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Health & Wellness, Safety First

Why Routines are Important for Seniors with Chronic Illness

Seniors with chronic illnesses face unique challenges when it comes to independent living. Routines can be incredibly helpful in managing the symptoms associated with chronic disease and keeping track of medications – but they can also provide a sense of stability, structure, and control to seniors who may often feel overwhelmed by their condition. In this article, we explore why routines are so important for seniors with chronic illness and…

Fall Prevention, Health & Wellness, Safety First

Senior Winter Safety Tips

As winter arrives, it’s important to take extra safety precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones. For seniors, winter safety is especially important. Cold weather can pose a serious risk of slips and falls and other accidents, so here are some tips that’ll help keep you safe this winter.   1. Stay Warm The most important thing is to stay warm! Wear layers of clothing when you go outside…

Health & Wellness

Helping Seniors Avoid Holiday Depression


We’re entering a season of joy, celebration, and togetherness. But while this is generally a happy time for many, it can also be a period of loneliness and sadness for older adults. This time of hustle and bustle can be overwhelming, and for seniors living on their own, the holidays can magnify feelings of isolation and loss. That’s why seniors need to take proactive steps to prevent holiday depression. If…